

I want to be saturated with God: so immersed: that I am dripping with the love and works of Christ, and when I go out, or stay in, they cannot HELP but come off of me!

I know what I want out of life.

I know what I am called to do:

To be so immersed in our relationship

that I am saturated with you.


To fellowship with Christ the Lord

To be so filled inside

The Love and Works of Jesus

can’t help but come out.


The workings of the Holy Spirit

The passion of the perfect Lamb

to glorify my savior

Everywhere I am.


To touch the lives of others

show love beyond explanation.

I want to be a sponge SO SOAKED

that I can’t help

but drip

and run

and spill

and SOAK



and ALL around me.


Sharing the love of Christ may be a mess, and may get you weird looks, but is it not the best thing we can do for the world around us? “I encourage you, brothers and sisters, to offer yourself a living sacrifice. Holy, and acceptable to God, which is your REASONABLE act of service.” personal restatement of Romans 12:1-2 NKJV


5 thoughts on “Saturate

    1. Thank you! Just wrote what was on my heart this morning. I LOVE the days where you are in worship in your spirit and feel God’s presence throughout the day. It makes such a difference! “Those who seek me find me when they seek me with all of their heart”

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